July 24, 2024

New Dems Visit National Institute of Standards and Technology to Meet with AI Experts


This week, New Democrat Coalition Artificial Intelligence Working Group Vice Chair Haley Stevens (MI-11) led a group of New Dem Members – including AI Working Group Vice Chair Sara Jacobs (CA-51), NDC Vice Chair Sharice Davids (KS-03), and Rep. Julia Brownley (CA-26) – on a visit to the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) in Gaithersburg, Maryland.

During their visit, NDC Members toured the NIST campus and met with leading Artificial Intelligence experts to discuss AI infrastructure, regulation, and applications in manufacturing, medicine, and more.

AI Working Group Vice Chair Stevens issued the following statement on the visit:

“The New Dem AI Working Group is at the forefront of Congress’s push to craft smart AI policy, so it was great to visit the experts at NIST and get their perspectives on regulatory next steps.”

“Our visit to NIST campus was informative and inspiring and gave us some great ideas about how Congress, agencies, and industry can work together to secure American leadership in AI in the mid-21st century and beyond.”

“We’re going to keep advancing commonsense, bipartisan AI policies in Congress and make sure the AI future is safe, productive, and inclusive for all Americans.”

Read more about the AI Working Group’s ongoing efforts:

In August 2023, the New Democrat Coalition announced its first-ever Artificial Intelligence Working Group with two distinct goals in mind: convening events to educate Members and staff about AI and its associated benefits and risks, and proposing short and long-term policies Congress can enact to improve AI innovation and safety.

Led by Vice Chair for Policy Derek Kilmer (WA-06), the Working Group has been meeting with industry stakeholders and experts – like Carnegie Mellon University Faculty – with the goal of advancing sensible, bipartisan policies to address the emerging technologies benefits and deficiencies. 

In November 2023, in an effort to collect information about the use of AI to deceive social media users, Working Group Chair Kilmer led 30 New Dems in a letter to prominent AI and social media CEOs. Reviewing the responses over the past several months has informed the Working Group’s approach.

In March, Vice Chair Haley Stevens (MI-11) and Chair Kilmer led 38 Members in a letter to the Biden-Harris Administration supporting President Biden’s Executive Order on the Safe, Secure, and Trustworthy Development and Use of Artificial Intelligence and encouraging further action to develop a robust federal AI workforce; reskill and upskill the nation’s workforce for AI-related job changes; and expand diversity in the AI workforce.

In May, the AI Working Group endorsed 10 bipartisan, New Dem-led AI bills to ensure the responsible development and deployment of AI technologies. 
